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The Addiction Treatment Resource Center (ATRC)

Tier 4.B: up to $300,000


TIER 4.B:  This funding is designed to support projects that implement new promising or evidence-based practices and innovations for individuals at risk for, or with, Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Stimulant Use Disorder (STUD). There are two tracks available under this solicitation:

  • Track 1: Treatment Providers
    • Goal: Implement new, innovative, evidence-based or promising practices to sustainably improve OUD/STUD treatment outcomes or enhance treatment provider capabilities for measurable improvements in patient care.
    • To meet the criteria for a 4.B project in the treatment provider track, the applicant must implement a new EBP, promising practice or innovation that will drive outcomes with their current client population. DSAMH will not consider outreach/marketing projects as meeting the requirements.  
    • Treatment providers who intend to apply for a 4.B award must review and heed the Project Design Guidance for the Treatment Provider Track (linked on this page).
  • Track 2: Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
    • Goal: Engage individuals with OUD/STUD, expand CBO capacity, and address health-related social needs to improve treatment outcomes, quality of life, and other well-being indicators.
    • To meet the criteria for a 4.B project in the CBO track, the applicant must implement a project to either effectively engage individuals with OUD/STUD or expand the capacity of other CBOs to engage individuals with OUD/STUD effectively. DSAMH will not consider outreach/marketing projects as meeting the requirements.
    • CBOs who intend to apply for a 4.B award must review and heed the Project Design Guidance for CBOs Track (linked on this page).

Grant writing-related resources are also available on this website via the Resource Library (insert “Grant Writing” in the Keyword Search which will populate links to 10 modules (PPTs and associated recordings/videos) as well as a Grant Writing Workbook designed to guide you through each step of developing a proposal.

The TAP Tier 4.B and 4.C Solicitation Informational Webinar took place on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. You can access the presentation slides here and listen to the webinar recording here.