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The Addiction Treatment Resource Center (ATRC)

(HEAP): Community Awareness Partnerships


DSAMH is offering Community Awareness Partnerships that will be accessible to pommunity partners, including community leaders and CBOs. DSAMH wishes to develop partnerships to refine and advance OUD/STUD awareness campaigns, with a special focus on reaching racial and ethnic minorities. The focus areas of this opportunity are:

  • Reducing stigma toward persons with substance use disorders (SUD)
  • Promoting awareness of and access to SUD treatment and recovery services
  • Reducing stigma toward medications for opioid use disorders, such as methadone and buprenorphine
  • Promoting access to naloxone/Narcan
  • Increasing awareness and knowledge of existing resources among target community populations.

All partnerships will include: (1) Communications/campaign plan development support, (2) quantitative and qualitative research planning to inform and advance HEAP implementation, and (3) Health Equity Summit readiness support. DSAMH will also provide community partners with access to a Campaign Planner, through its partner organizations HMA and 720 Strategies, to assist in the design of a customized campaign plan. The customized campaign plan will include key activities, timelines, and costs associated with implementing the campaign.

Community Awareness Partnership Informational Webinar recording can be accessed here.

Community Partnership Request