Funding Opportunities
Grassroots Messaging and Awareness Campaigns
Grassroots Messaging and Awareness Campaigns
- Purpose:
- The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support grassroots organizations in developing and implementing messaging campaigns or educational programs that reduce stigma associated with OUD and STUD. The goal is to increase awareness, deliver education, and reduce stigma related to OUD and STUD among key populations (listed above) at both local and broader levels throughout Delaware.
- Funding:
- Funding is being provided through DSAMH’s State Opioid Response (SOR) grant from SAMHSA. Applicants may request up to $30,000 for efforts focused at the local community or county level, or up to $50,000 for campaigns intended to be implemented statewide.
Grassroots Messaging and Awareness Campaign Solicitation Informational Webinar took place on Wednesday, November 4, 2024. You can access the presentation slides here and listen to the webinar recording here.
The Tier Award Program (TAP) is a major program under the SOR grant. TAP includes three tiers of grant-funded activities and their associated goals. Below are the goals and resources related to each tier.
SOR 4.0 TAP Year 1 Funding Opportunities
This solicitation outlines new funding opportunities under TAP Tiers 4.A, 4.B, and 4.C. Funding is available to eligible providers through September 29, 2025.
TAP 3.0 Data Survey
State Opioid Response (SOR) Tier Award Program (TAP) Multi Year Targeted Project (MYTP) Data Definitions
State Opioid Response (SOR) Tier Award Program (TAP) Data Definitions
Tier 4.A: up to $75,000
TIER 4.A: Projects to implement OUD/STUD screening, brief intervention, referral to treatment, (SBIRT) and follow-up. SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated approach to the delivery of early intervention and referral into treatment services for persons with substance use disorders, as well as those who are at risk of developing these disorders. Outpatient medical practices (including primary care practices, Federally Qualified Health Centers, women’s health, infectious disease, dental, physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic practices, optometry/ophthalmology practices, etc.), and other community settings provide opportunities for early intervention with individuals at risk for SUD before more severe consequences occur.
Key project components and requirements, including the following, are described in the solicitation materials available on this webpage.
- Screening
- Brief Intervention
- Referral
- Follow-up
- Naloxone/Narcan
- Technical Assistance
- Data Submission and Monitoring
- Fidelity monitoring
- Compliance with SAMHSA Requirements and Funding Prohibitions
Grant writing-related resources are also available on this website via the Resource Library (insert “Grant Writing” in the Keyword Search which will populate links to 10 modules (PPTs and associated recordings/videos) as well as a Grant Writing Workbook designed to guide you through each step of developing a proposal.
The SOR 4.0 TAP Tier 4.A Solicitation Informational Webinar took place on Monday, September 30, 2024. You can access the presentation slides here and listen to the webinar recording here.
Tier 4.B: up to $300,000
TIER 4.B: This funding is designed to support projects that implement new promising or evidence-based practices and innovations for individuals at risk for, or with, Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Stimulant Use Disorder (STUD). There are two tracks available under this solicitation:
- Track 1: Treatment Providers
- Goal: Implement new, innovative, evidence-based or promising practices to sustainably improve OUD/STUD treatment outcomes or enhance treatment provider capabilities for measurable improvements in patient care.
- To meet the criteria for a 4.B project in the treatment provider track, the applicant must implement a new EBP, promising practice or innovation that will drive outcomes with their current client population. DSAMH will not consider outreach/marketing projects as meeting the requirements.
- Treatment providers who intend to apply for a 4.B award must review and heed the Project Design Guidance for the Treatment Provider Track (linked on this page).
- Track 2: Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
- Goal: Engage individuals with OUD/STUD, expand CBO capacity, and address health-related social needs to improve treatment outcomes, quality of life, and other well-being indicators.
- To meet the criteria for a 4.B project in the CBO track, the applicant must implement a project to either effectively engage individuals with OUD/STUD or expand the capacity of other CBOs to engage individuals with OUD/STUD effectively. DSAMH will not consider outreach/marketing projects as meeting the requirements.
- CBOs who intend to apply for a 4.B award must review and heed the Project Design Guidance for CBOs Track (linked on this page).
Grant writing-related resources are also available on this website via the Resource Library (insert “Grant Writing” in the Keyword Search which will populate links to 10 modules (PPTs and associated recordings/videos) as well as a Grant Writing Workbook designed to guide you through each step of developing a proposal.
The TAP Tier 4.B and 4.C Solicitation Informational Webinar took place on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. You can access the presentation slides here and listen to the webinar recording here.
Tier 4.C: up to $300,000
TIER 4.C: This funding is designed to support projects that implement tailored Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)/Stimulant Use Disorder (STUD) programming to improve outcomes for a sub-population of individuals with substance use disorder. This Tier is designed to support the implementation of tailored, specialized OUD and STUD practices, services, or programs for specific populations with unmet and/or elevated needs. Note: recruiting special populations to participate in a standard project, program, or EBP does NOT qualify for Tier 4.C funding. There are two tracks available under this solicitation:
- Track 1: Treatment Providers
- To meet the criteria for a 4C project in the treatment provider track, the applicant must implement a new EBP, promising practice or innovation to tailor their treatment program to improve treatment outcomes for a sub population of individuals with OUD/STUD. The sub population may have unique needs (e.g., cultural, situational) that, when addressed, will result in improved outcomes. Recruiting special populations into existing programs is not a tailored treatment program because this award is designed to support specialized programming for a special population. DSAMH will not consider outreach/marketing projects as meeting the requirements.
- Treatment providers who intend to apply for a 4.C award must review and heed the Project Design Guidance for the Treatment Provider Track (linked on this page).
- Track 2: CBOs
- To meet the criteria for a 4C project in the CBO track, the applicant must engage individuals with OUD/STUD or expand the capacity of other CBOs to engage individuals with OUD/STUD effectively. Projects should be focused on tailored engagement and service provision approaches for a sub-population of individuals with OUD/STUD to better meet their unique needs (e.g., cultural, situational) or to build the capacity of another CBO to deliver a tailored engagement for a sub-population of individuals with OUD/STUD. Recruiting special populations into existing programs is not a tailored program. This award is designed to support specialized programming for a special population DSAMH will not consider outreach/marketing projects as meeting the requirements.
- CBOs who intend to apply for a 4.C award must review and heed the Project Design Guidance for CBOs Track (linked on this page).
Grant writing-related resources are also available on this website via the Resource Library (insert “Grant Writing” in the Keyword Search which will populate links to 10 modules (PPTs and associated recordings/videos) as well as a Grant Writing Workbook designed to guide you through each step of developing a proposal.
The TAP Tier 4.B and 4.C Solicitation Informational Webinar took place on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. You can access the presentation slides here and listen to the webinar recording here.
TIER 4.A-H: UP TO $250,000
This solicitation provides funding for Delaware hospital emergency departments to implement Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) and follow-up. SBIRT is an evidence-based approach designed to improve care for individuals at risk for or experiencing substance use disorders (OUD/SUD). It offers a comprehensive, integrated method for early intervention and treatment referral, making it highly adaptable to emergency department settings. Key project components and requirements, including the following, are described in the solicitation materials available on this webpage.
- Screening
- Brief Intervention
- Referral
- Follow-up
- Naloxone/Narcan
- Technical Assistance
- Data Submission and Monitoring
- Fidelity monitoring
- Compliance with SAMHSA Requirements and Funding Prohibitions
Grant writing-related resources are also available on this website via the Resource Library (insert “Grant Writing” in the Keyword Search which will populate links to 10 modules (PPTs and associated recordings/videos) as well as a Grant Writing Workbook designed to guide you through each step of developing a proposal.
TAP Multi-Year Targeted Project (MYTP): UP TO $750,000
This funding opportunity is designed to enhance the capacity of SUD/OUD treatment providers to integrate care for medically complex patients into their services. The goal is to support providers as they incrementally develop workforce, care models, and billing processes to provide medically informed substance use care across the continuum of care.
Key project components and requirements are described in the solicitation materials available on this webpage.
DSAMH hosted a solicitation webinar for prospective applicants to provide an overview of this opportunity. The virtual webinar was held on January 22 from 11:00 – 12:00pm. The PPT slides can be found here, and the recording of the webinar can be accessed here.
Health Equity Advancement Project (HEAP)
Two opportunities are available under DSAMH’s State Opioid Response (SOR) grant for a wide range of organizations to implement approaches to engage racial/ethnic minorities who are impacted by opioid use disorder/stimulant use disorder (OUD/STUD).
(HEAP): Mini-Grants
The HEAP Mini-Grants provide direct funding to SUD treatment/recovery organizations and community-based organizations to engage racial/ethnic minorities in Delaware who are impacted by OUD/STUD. This funding opportunity will be administered by Bowling Business Strategies (BBS) on behalf of DSAMH, for an eight-month implementation period from February 1, 2025, to September 29, 2025. There are two tracks available under this funding opportunity – review the solicitation for additional information on eligibility and project design:
- HEAP CBO (up to $50,000, maximum 10 awards): This track is open to community-based organizations (CBOs), as well as mental health (non-SUD) providers and other medical providers.
- Build internal capacity to engage individuals and communities at risk for or experiencing OUD/STUD.
- Establish or further develop enhanced referral pathways to connect individuals to OUD/STUD care.
- HEAP TX (up to $75,000, maximum 4 awards): This track is open to SUD treatment and recovery organizations only.
- Collect and analyze equity-focused data to identify health disparities within their treatment populations. This disparity analysis will inform the design of interventions, pilots, or innovative solutions aimed at addressing the identified disparities and improving outcomes related to OUD/STUD for vulnerable populations.
- Two tiers are available: Introductory level and Innovation level.
Applicants may not apply for both tracks. Prior HEAP awardees are eligible to apply but must clearly identify a new project and/or how the current submission does not duplicate what they were awarded for previously. Funding may not be used for direct treatment services, funding new staff, or duplicating/overlapping initiatives currently funded by other means.
Interested in learning more? Join us at our informational webinar scheduled for Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 12:30-2:00pm ET.
Grant writing-related resources are available on DSAMH’s ATRC Website, which can be accessed here via the Resource Library. Be sure to insert “Grant Writing” in the Keyword Search, which will populate links to 10 modules (PPTs and associating recordings/videos) and a Grant Writing Workbook designed to guide you through each step of developing a proposal.
(HEAP): Community Awareness Partnerships
DSAMH is offering Community Awareness Partnerships that will be accessible to pommunity partners, including community leaders and CBOs. DSAMH wishes to develop partnerships to refine and advance OUD/STUD awareness campaigns, with a special focus on reaching racial and ethnic minorities. The focus areas of this opportunity are:
- Reducing stigma toward persons with substance use disorders (SUD)
- Promoting awareness of and access to SUD treatment and recovery services
- Reducing stigma toward medications for opioid use disorders, such as methadone and buprenorphine
- Promoting access to naloxone/Narcan
- Increasing awareness and knowledge of existing resources among target community populations.
All partnerships will include: (1) Communications/campaign plan development support, (2) quantitative and qualitative research planning to inform and advance HEAP implementation, and (3) Health Equity Summit readiness support. DSAMH will also provide community partners with access to a Campaign Planner, through its partner organizations HMA and 720 Strategies, to assist in the design of a customized campaign plan. The customized campaign plan will include key activities, timelines, and costs associated with implementing the campaign.
Community Awareness Partnership Informational Webinar recording can be accessed here.
The Delaware State Opioid Response (SOR) grant is a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funded initiative that provides financial resources to build a strong and effective OUD and STUD system of care.
In the Fall of 2020, the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) created the Opioid Response Team (ORT) to provide strategic leadership and oversight to all opioid-related programs and activities throughout the Division and, with our partners, focusing on implementing Delaware’s State Opioid Response. The ORT is comprised of subject matter experts across the division who serve as the main point of contact for all SOR programs, projects and partners.
For questions or more information, please email
If you are seeking care or treatment for yourself or a loved one please click here for Help is Here resources. You can also reach out to the Delaware Hope Line at 1-(833) 9-HOPEDE or (833) 946-7333 and find mental health or addiction treatment resources by accessing Home – Treatment Connection.
The Delaware Hope Line – 1 (833) 9-HOPEDE or (833) 946-7333 – is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to connect callers to a variety of resources and information, including support from clinicians and peer specialists plus crisis assistance. The Hope Line, which is free, provides a single point of contact for individuals to tap into DSAMH’s range of services and resources.
Delawareans can also get behavioral health tips and reminders by texting DEHOPE to 55753.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This FAQ can help guide providers in their application for TAP funding and implementation of all program tiers. If you need further clarification on TAP, SOR or any other ATRC-related question, please email the mailbox with “QUESTION” in the subject line.
Glossary of Terms
For the full list of terms click here.
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